
I have been playing guitar for 10+ years. I first picked up the instrument at age 14, struggled with doing simple chords/chord progressions and gave up. About half a year later I decided to try again, and put hours upon hours into it. Although my musical theory skills aren't the best, I make up for it with good technical skills, and creating music by ear.


I believe that the body and mind are connected. In order for me to be at my full mental potential I need to keep my body in the best shape possible. Outside of biking, I started getting into weightlifting. Being able to train your body to lift heavier weights takes discipline, patience, and of course, good form! So far one of my biggest accomplishments has been deadlifting over 315lbs. As my body continues to grow and become stronger I know that my mental health will follow.


Since starting NoNothingNovember coding will definately stay in my life. I have enjoyed building, creating, and making mistakes along my journeyt thus far, and don't see myself stopping any time soon. After mastering the basic concepts and fundamentals of HTML/CSS I will be moving into Javascript, and branch out even further as my knowledge and skills improve!